1. Main Poster Content - SECTION c)
In this section, you will DESCRIBE the key elements (content) of your chosen main film poster:
1. Film title (film logo)
Describe the design of the film title.
What does the title of the film suggest about the film?
2. Main image(s)
Describe the key images on your poster.
Why have they been chosen?
If big-star NAMES appear above the title of the film, or their faces are prominently featured in the artwork, the studio wants you to know who's in it. ***FILM STARS SELL FILMS
3. Tagline
What is the main film poster’s tagline?
What does the tagline suggest about the film?
4. Other TEXT Information
(Release date, director / producer, awards, expert witness quotes, cast & crew listings etc.)
What other information is given to the viewer on the main poster?
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